As part of Teva’s commitment to improving the lives of patients, the Teva Migraine Pregnancy Registry has been established in the US to collect information on pregnancy outcomes of women who suffer from migraine and have been exposed to migraine medication during pregnancy.
Help us in enrolling women who have been exposed to migraine medications during or within the five months prior to their current pregnancy. Pregnant women may enroll themselves by calling the toll-free Registry hotline at 833-927-2605, or you may complete the enrollment forms and email or fax them back to the Registry on behalf of the patient.
There is currently only limited clinical data on the risk associated with the use of migraine medications in pregnant women. Since migraine is prevalent in women of childbearing potential and approximately half of all pregnancies are unplanned, women may inadvertently be exposed to migraine medications during pregnancy.1 Monitoring and evaluating these pregnant women can help in assessing the impact of migraine medication exposure on pregnancy outcomes.
The aim of the Teva Migraine Pregnancy Registry is to assess the maternal, fetal, and infant outcomes in the following groups of women:
Data will be collected from patients or healthcare providers via phone interviews conducted by registry staff, online questionnaires, paper-based case report forms (CRFs), or a combination of these methods.
Download enrollment forms hereThe Teva Migraine Pregnancy Registry is enrolling pregnant women with migraine,
aged 18 to 45 years, meeting the criteria for one of the following groups:
Women exposed to at least one dose of CGRP pathway monoclonal antibody at any time during pregnancy or within the five months prior to LMP
Women exposed to preventive migraine medications other than CGRP-pathway-targeting medication at any time during pregnancy or within 5 half-lives prior to LMP
If you have a patient who you think may qualify or if you have any questions about the Teva Migraine Pregnancy Registry, please click here, or call the Registry Hotline at the number below.
Download Patient Brochure, Email Template, & HCP Study CardTeva Migraine Pregnancy Registry
Registry Phone Number: 833-927-2605
Registry Fax Number: 800-800-1052